For schools
Visit SciFest with your school class
SciFest will be open to school classes on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 October 2025. There will be lots of exciting things to do and experience – experiments, games, hands-on activities. Your students will meet scientists from a wide range of disciplines. On-stage science sessions and workshops must be booked in advance, but there are plenty of activities for your students to discover on site.
You can find the 2024 programme here - we will publish the autumn SciFest programme in August.
SciFest will take place at Fyrishov in Uppsala (map).
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Don´t miss SciFest's extensive programme
Activities in English
We offer a lot of activities in English. How and why do bees buzz? Interactive Exploration of photosynthesis. Become a disease detective!
From runes to robots
The programme is broad, covering the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and medicine. In total, there will be more than seventy different activities and workshops.

On stage
How do you study cows? Or life in space? We have invited some scientists to talk about their exciting research. Two schoolchildren will lead the discussion. Of course, the young audience can ask all their questions.