Programme Saturday 12 October

Barn gör kemiska experiment

Photo: Tobias Sterner

SciFest is a broad festival of science, covering the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and medicine. As always, this year's programme is packed with exciting experiments, competitions, games and interactive experiences. And you'll meet knowledgeable, enthusiastic researchers eager to tell you what they're working on.

Everyone is welcome at SciFest on Saturday 12 October! Many people come here with their kids and we truly have loads to offer both kids and youngsters. But you don’t need kids to enjoy SciFest. Our researchers and doctoral students are more than happy to show you what they do and discuss their research with you.

SciFest communicates research through experiences. You can programme Lego robots, test how you react to fear in a scary VR world, build batteries from fruits and vegetables, meet real honey bees, brush a dog’s teeth, visit Vadstena Abbey in the 15th century, and create a space quiz. The list is literally very long. We have more than 70 activities packed into the programme.

You will find many current and important topics, such as AI, climate and health. This is a great opportunity to learn more about research at Uppsala university and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – not least those of you who work at one of the universities and want to know more about what your colleagues do. We promise you will be amazed.

We also offer a theatre show where the kids are co-creators – the subject is science, of course, but anything could happen.

Check out the programme in Swedish or simply come by and visit us on Saturday!


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