About the program
The programme is broad, covering the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and medicine. In total, there are more than seventy different activities and workshops. When you book, you will see which workshops are available in English. At drop-in activities, you can count on there being someone there who can answer in English.
As always, this year's programme is packed with exciting experiments, competitions, games and interactive experiences. And you'll meet knowledgeable, enthusiastic researchers eager to tell you what they're working on.
You will find many current and important topics, such as AI, climate and health. Can a chatbot keep a secret? How can we mitigate climate change? Experience a scary VR world and understand how your body reacts to fear.
Research is often closely linked to your everyday life. How far can a bus travel on a banana peel? What glows in the kitchen? What does the best school playground look like?
SciFest is also a chance to experience other worlds. You can go back in time and learn more about runes and what Vadstena Abbey looked like. But also look into the future. Some things are so small that we don't normally see them. Take the microscopic sponges in the Fyris river, for example. But you can see them at SciFest.